1st Assignment – What is physical interaction?

Physical interaction to me is when a human projects an action onto a computer or device, and that action is used to choose a response by said device intelligently. Interaction is not a direct translation, but rather an interpretation of an action and the reaction that follows. In my opinion, good physical interaction (in terms of technology) comes when a device has the capacity to understand slight nuances in a users action, and can respond to them quickly and in exactly the way the user had hoped for . . . maybe without even knowing the devices response was what they wanted.

A good example of technology that is not interactive would be forms of transducers. A simple two-way radio that is converting sound into radio waves is not interactive.

1st Assignment – Choose a design

CYRK Poster


The design I chose was a poster made for the circus in Poland. Following WWII, the polish government wanted to revamp the image of the circus in a modern fashion, and show off the arts and culture that were government sponsored at the time. I like this poster because it is a lively expression of circus shown in bright colors and smiles. It can be identified quickly from afar, and Im sure its colorful spirit was helpful on fences covering buildings damaged during the war.



Here I have outlined some of the underlining composition. The form of the performers arms, legs, and faces fit these guides very well.



In this copy I have substituted the negative space with neutral grey. The cut-out style of the illustration makes for heavy contrast between the negative space and the other elements of the poster.





To me the hierarchy in this work begins with the smiling expressions of the performers, followed by the ‘Cyrk’ text (circus in Polish).




The seven vibrant colors used are a great representation of the subject matter, and successfully draw the viewer into a fun scene from afar.


Screen Shot 2015-09-08 at 12.13.15 PM copy


Finally, the single font used in this poster is a tough one to pinpoint. It has been heavily compressed and manipulated. I believe it is routed in Goudy Old Style, a serif typeface.
