Tangible Interaction Workshop

This week we designed an interface for the flash game lunar lander:


I decided to use a joystick I had found on a trashed analog video switcher (think star wipes and word art titles of the 90’s). The joystick has a shuttle wheel mounted on its stem, which seemed great for rotating the spaceship. It also has a little button on top of the shuttle wheel that I figured would be great for the escape key (spacebar).

The joystick is made by CH Products in America. It turns out they make some amazing joysticks! Construction / farm equipment and CCTV / video, and flight sims. seem to be the main uses.


LOTs of joysticks . . .

A quick scroll through their website and I found mine:

It has two 5K ohm potentiometers for x and y on the joystick, and a third for the shuttle wheel.

Lots of springs to bring everything back to center

Here is my code to get it to send keyboard keys via USB. (‘w’, ‘a’, ‘s’, ‘d’)

Here is the “finished” product!