Mechanisms – Final project

For my final project I would like to build a miniature yoked moving light similar to the ones used in concerts. As a lighting designer I am always using these fixtures, however smaller ones are very hard to come by.


I would like to build the electronic control of my fixture as simply as possible, so that I can focus on the mechanics.

The mechanics will allow and LED source to pan and tilt, And a color / pattern wheel in front of the LED will have colorized flags. I would also like to add a lens that can go back and fourth on a lead screw
The light source will be three or four 3 watt led’s.
There would be a commutator in the base to get the motor and LED wiring though the 360 degree motion.
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Most of the main components I will use will come from They have a great selection of timing belts, gears, and servo parts.

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